Tuesday, November 19, 2013

But Is She Pretty on the Inside?

I used to go to an old club called Sh-Booms in Providence. It was styled as a 50's Sock Hop with waitresses wearing Poodle Skirts and the music leaned toward Elvis, The Big Bopper and Bobby Darrin. It also had plenty of contemporary music as well. Sh-Booms is long since gone now, turned into Olive's restaurant and that's probably gone as well as far as I know.

One Saturday night in Sh-Booms, I was standing next to this stunning brunette while the MC was on top of the bar, promising the club goers what a great night they were about to have. He kept shouting out names of old bands and those dances that were fads for a month or so, in order to get the crowd riled up. I was making eye contact with this woman, trying to get her attention and then inserting a little small talk as we both stood there watching the MC. She responded to me with one word replies, but was nice enough though.

I kept at it still.

The MC then said, “We have a very special guest with us tonight! I'm proud to have here in Sh-Boom's Miss Massachusetts, she's boarding a plane tomorrow morning to compete in the Miss USA pageant! Please welcome Marsha Turner!”

I, the crowd all looked around for Marhsa. The girl who was standing next to me brightened up and strode forth to the bar and climbed on top of it with the help of the MC. I then realized I was hitting on Miss Massachusetts and that she'd never give me more than a three word reply to any of my advances.

Oh well. I didn't feel too bad at striking out. Without knowing it, I was trying to bag a Miss USA contender. She never won the crown that year but I'm sure she's married to a hedge fund manager or someone similar, living a life I could never provide.

How many pretty girls have I gone out with? That's a hard question because pretty is subjective. What I think is pretty and what you think is can be quite different. There have been times when my friends introduced me to some new girlfriend and inside my head, quietly, I thought, “What that hell does he see in her?” I'm sure others have felt the same about me as well when I introduced someone new.

Two girls I still know, from my 20's, badgered with questions about “What guys think is pretty?” I swear they were trying to get me to divulge some secret that only guys knew and if these girls found out, they could use it to make themselves more attractive. I gave them a roundabout answer that wasn't definitive at all. “I know it when I see it” was the first answer and that's true, I do know it when I see it. The final answer that was a descriptive as I could get was, “'Pretty', is found in the eyes.”

The girls weren't satisfied at all with that answer but it was the best I could come up with.

The prettiest I was with was P. She was a blonde I dated , which is odd because I don't naturally tend towards that. But those first few dates were fun due to knowing I had a real looker and was probably a bit smug with myself for having bagged this one.

There's a known fact in the PR industry called the “Halo Effect.” A person who is good looking will have that fair opinion attributed to other aspects of them as well. A girl looking at Brad Pitt will think he's handsome but will also think that everything else about him is that good too. It's painting with a broad brush really. Brad Pitt may look good but it doesn't confer an environmental sciences degree upon him when he speaks of the “carbon sink” that the world's oceans are known for. But many will accede to his opinion without knowing it because of this halo effect. It's why commercials tend to use pretty people hawking their products. The pretty looks of a model rub off onto the Preparation H she's trying to sell you.

P had a halo effect with me back then. I thought she did everything right, till I got to know her well and found her to be just as flawed as anyone else out there is. In fact she had some major flaws, like we all have.

Her prettiness became duller as the weeks passed. It was one of life's lessons you learn in your 20's that teach you that shallowness is just what it is, shallow.  Her glow became darker when I discovered her penchant for alcohol and a long list of loser boyfriends that had preceded me.  

There's a guy I know who comically retells this story about a long time girlfriend and a fight he had with her. They were both vacationing in Key West and were at beach cabana type bar when their morning long snippy argument went nuclear. It provided great entertainment for all the others there too.

After throwing deadlier and deadlier barbs at one another, she finally pressed the Big Red Button and yelled at him, “Yeah? Well you SUCK in bed! Did you know that!!?”

The customers at the cabana become dead quiet at hearing this.

A moment passes when the boyfriend responds with, “Well....you suck OUT OF BED!”

He tells me the people at the cabana started clapping to his retort.

At 20, I don't think I would've truly understood that comment to it's fullest meaning. How could I? With my then superficial and inexperienced view on everything. Today, a pretty face isn't the promise I once thought it once was.
There she is.  The one in Sh-Booms who blew me off. 

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