Monday, February 26, 2024

OK, So I'm Not Hemmingway

My writing ability, I felt, was put to shame when I read a snippet of John Agee’s, A Death in the Family. I found his choice of words to describe a scene, exact. The stream-like sentences flowed w/o much effort (which revealed to me how much work had had to do to pull this off. Never mind writing well, how about inserting a style of writing as well that has to appear in every sentence, every paragraph, so that now it has layers of meaning to it beyond the original story.  Some guys have that in-born talent. I yet, have to work at this) and finally, his ability to rekindle in me a child’s delight of an early summer evening. I read a short passage of Agee’s memory of a summer dusk when he was a child and it managed to invoke in me those same memories and feelings. Talk about being able to convey well enough to evoke a response in me, via a memory from 109 years ago.

The snippet:

But it is of these evenings, I speak. Supper was at six and was over by half past. There was still daylight, shining softly and with a tarnish, like the lining of a shell; and the carbon lamps lifted at the corners were on in the light, and the locusts were started, and the fire flies were out, and a few frogs were flopping in the dewy grass, by the time the fathers and the children came out.
The children ran out first hell bent and yelling those names by which they were known; then the fathers sank out leisurely in crossed suspenders, their collars removed and their necks looking tall and shy. The mothers stayed back in the kitchen washing and drying, putting things away, recrossing their traceless footsteps like the lifetime journeys of bees, measuring out the dry cocoa for breakfast. When they came out they had taken off their aprons and their skirts were dampened and they sat in rockers on their porches quietly.”

How I write: “See Dick run. Run Dick run. See Sally watch Dick run.”

OK, I’m being flip but I do not have that ability to write like Agee did. I suppose I could after many, many years of practice but I am 60 now and my fishing rod has spooled out most of it’s line. There isn’t a career’s worth left before the final end of that strand hastily slips through hoop guides out into the Atlantic.

My first English class at Rhode Island College was with Paul Anghinetti who taught “Major World Literature” aka: English 101 which gave us texts of long since dead Greek authors to read.

We read The Odessey which was about some Greek warrior written 800 years before Christ showed up in Galilee. I wasn’t one for liking extant works and this monster (12,000 lines worth) was a long, slow. boring slog that had references to Greek gods and myths I had no familiarity with. What 20th century kid from Pawtucket does? Once done, we had to write a simple five page impression about it.

A week later we get our papers back and on the top of mine, written in red felt pen said, “This Sucks...D+ at best.” Anghinetti was known for not being too polite in his criticisms. In his defense though, he was a tough but fair marker.

I wasn’t the only one who blew it, nearly the entire class did. That day we got the papers back he said, “I’m going to do what I haven’t done since 1972, and that is teach you all the basics of writing...though I gave it up then because you Boomer kids seem hopeless...a real college education died in 1968!Anghinetti was rather elitist but he had a point. College at one time truly winnowed out the chaff and “Sink or Swim” was ruthlessly applied. If you couldn’t do it, “Sorry kid, there’s no Head Start program here to get you and the other mediocrities up and over the obstacle. We do not graduate peasants, we graduate quality.”

For a week we get off the ancient works and he shows us how to write cleanly, to accurately convey meaning and to write economically. If you can say it in five words vs ten, do so. Instead of a grade for this he gave us a cheap paperback version of Strunck’s The Elements of Style, which is the Bible for all writers, had we shown improvement.

I got my copy. I passed that section of the class and I realized how terribly the Pawtucket school system had failed to teach us kids any real English other than to find the verb in a sentence. Hell, in public school I had done far better than the oafs I shared the class with. It wasn’t rare for the system to graduate kids who were mostly illiterate too. Even though I did well in a small local pond against other frogs, I wasn’t as advanced as I thought I was in the bigger ponds of the world.

Why Do I Write?

I find it amusing, fun and I’m exposing the inner dialogue I run at times as I experience life. I love telling stories in person and writing them sort of concertizes them forever here. I notice I seem to be uploading many moments of my life and that’ll be my legacy, if the internet survives and does that it purports to do, which is to forever record whatever you do on it. At Google, Facebook and the NSA, they now have my bequest in the form of memories.

Like I said, I write of memories, of stories of people I have known, things I have done and how life feels to me. I do it sarcastically, tongue in cheek but that’s how I respond to some of the absurdities of life, by making fun of it. It’s a very Mark Twain thing to do and I have aped it. He once chuckled about a sad story he heard by saying, “I haven’t laughed this hard since I heard that the orphanage had burned down.” OK, it probably was wrongly attributed to him but it shows how I look at life at times, through black humor. It’s a common defense against life’s land mines we all occasionally mistakenly step on or the silly irrational way life slams into us (by life I mean, mostly other people).

I have toyed with the idea of writing about far more revealing things I have experienced or done. And consequently, more entertaining for you to read. I could do the same with other’s lives but that requires dropping their mask that we too all wear in public to protect our social standing. Upon learning a new scoop about someone, we tend to think differently of them after.

Truman Capote, at a loss for his next great book finally created and wrote Answered Prayers, in which he exposes people he knew intimately in Manhattan’s First Class social world. Not too long after publication, he was shunned by New York’s High Society and his writing career fell off a fucking cliff. He wasn’t heard from again and luckily wasn’t sued for what he had revealed in a slightly bitchy “Tell All” gossip piece.

I’ll see what I can do for a more interesting pieces that aren't shitty first drafts.





Saturday, February 3, 2024

I'm On a Tear Lately, More Stories.



Long ago, I once applied to the CIA. I was nearing graduation and was toying with the idea of applying for a Master’s Program in Counseling Psychology. Two problems existed though. Could I compete with all the other candidates for the few slots available in that and two, how would I pay for it?

Strangely enough, I had met a few professors at RIC who did, or were still consulting with that spy agency. There was D. Cousins, a psych prof who would openly speak of his time when he worked for the agency in Berlin. He would provide psychological profiles on Eastern Bloc military, economic and political leaders there. In class one day, he brought up on an overhead projector his study on Abbie Hoffman. It was an MMPI personality inventory which covers everything about a person’s nature. Hoffman, if you don’t recall, was one of the Chicago Seven who were brought up on charges of conspiracy to disrupt the DNC with protests against the Vietnam war. The protest devolved into a riot with the Chicago police busting heads left and right and it was broadcast on TV. Hoffman and others became the cause celebre of the time.

Cousins authored that report and seemed rather proud of himself as he told us about it.

Then there was Prof. Salesse, a guy in the Language department who damn near spoke every language in the world except say..Swahili? He was another one quite open about his contributions to the CIA.

The goofiest one I took a class with was G. Hall in the computer department. He was the actual Absent Minded Professor who didn’t know how to tie his shoes but could sit down and knock out a new computer language on a whim. Many of the computer majors in that class said he was brilliant but a complete failure as a teacher.

He once astonished the class by admitting, at one time, he worked for the Defense Department and CIA. To add more surprise, he told us one of his jobs was to program the avionics on Minuteman III nuclear warheads. This seeming buffoon, wrote the language for the small computer inside the warhead to make it land on Moscow, Leningrad or say Vladivostok.

We all thought he was so inept he’d screw it up and the warheads would mistakenly turn and race toward Tampa and blow that up.

...but they said that guy was a computer genius. Perhaps that was all he was good at.


At RIC in the end, I was heavily involved with Craig Lee’s Career Development. I wanted all the help to get any job prospect to pay out. I was passing by the bulletin board one day nad I saw this flyer. “Thinking of Graduate School? Why Not Let the CIA Guide You.”

How odd! It was the first time I saw job postings or educational opportunities from that actual organization. I took down the address and fired off a letter for their packet on how to apply. I sort of filed the whole idea away in my head as a “Well, give it a shot...if they pay for my grad school and then I have slave for them cheaply for five years after, so be it.” But I didn’t really think I’d take that road as I am politically, a screaming left wing commie pinko liberal at heart..and the CIA was EVIL!

A month later a fat packet came to my mail. I opened it up and inside were all the graduate programs they offered. “Holy Shit! It’s like an actual college there!” I thought. There was every possible subject and counseling psych was one. Along with the education materials, was an inch thick binder which was the security clearance I had to fill out.

Also there was a legal document, one sheet, which stated I was not to tell anyone I was applying. If I do, I would be immediately disqualified from the program.

I took the whole mess to my friend who was in the Navy. I figured he would know much about these matters as he was cleared by the Navy for other tricky stuff. His need for a clearance was due to his being in charge of the encrypted communications between the ship and NATO bases.

Don’t LIE on this!” he told me. “The last thing they want is some one who is deceitful. If they ask you if you’ve ever snorted a line of cocaine off a girl’s titty, admit it! They’ll look on your admitted drug use more favorably vs. you lying about it.”

You know how they’ll do this? They have the FBI do the standard background check but also, either they or the FBI, will send someone into your life without you even knowing about it to snoop around, watch you for a day or so...but above all DON’T lie on the forms!”

The forms asked EVERYTHING about me. Grandfathers, political leanings, health problems, neighbors, drug use, alcohol use, attend any sessions with a therapist? Who and what was discussed? Sexual orientation? Sexual kinks? And also, every job I ever had and every friend I had made.

I filled it out truthfully as I was advised.

However, during my time at RIC I had told everyone I was doing this. I thought it more of a hoot showing people actual CiA stationary, forms and such. It was great Show ‘n’ Tell day for me.

I mail the package off and four months later I get a thin envelope back from them.

We have studied your application and we find you may not be a good fit with our organization. Good luck on your career endeavors!”


I showed my Navy friend the rejection letter and he commented that perhaps I never made the cut as I was competing against hundreds of others who were far smarter than I was or God Knows What. He also said that my bragging about this whole thing to everyone violated the Form 4030a that demanded I shut my god damn mouth that I was even trying. Perhaps they found out.

Think this story I have told is total bullshit? See the picture below. I have had this on my wall for decades. 


Click for larger.




Friday, February 2, 2024

A Few Interesting Stories from the Past



After getting on a good drunk, M and I would head over to Wes's Rib House to finish off the night with plates of ribs. This was when getting home at 3 AM was no biggie as we were still “kids” at 25. Our weekly attendances there got the notice of a friend's girlfriend, a waitress, who advised us to stick around past 12 midnight, when her manager left.  She then told us, “I have to bring you the bill, but just leave only a real fat tip and just walk out.” I think we abused this perk for about a year.

One night, a group of real filthy, greasy long haired rough looking bikers come in. They belonged to some ugly motorcycle club somewhere around here.  When they all filed past our table, we noticed the last one of them, was, and I won't be PC about this, a midget. He too was dressed in the latest biker fashion, black leather and greasy jeans. I suppose you can find size “little person” in some store..somewhere.

M and I finish up before the bikers and we pay just the tip portion of the bill when we leave. Now then, Wes's had this awfully steep and long staircase to the parking lot and you have a decent command of the view from on top. M and I see all those Harley's parked meticulously, all lined up as proud bike owners will do. Parked along side the big huge Harley's was one Vespa.

We both figured which bad ass biker was riding that mini hog. We couldn't stop laughing when we saw it because it too was tricked out in the latest chrome and raccoon tail on the back of it.




Down by Allen's ave in Providence, near those huge oil tanks, is where you can find the less respectable establishments that can't quite get the zoning permit to operate next door to Trinity Rep or the Providence Library. Seedy bars, strip bars where the only girls they can hire are the rejects from Foxy Lady and gay bars.

Once a gay friend of ours was itching to show us where he cruised for men half his age and convinced us to show up at Mirabar's Tuesday “Hetero Night.”  Hetero Night had a wet tee shirt contest where straight women peeled down to their tees and the Master of Ceremonies dumped a beer pitchers of water on them.

So we go and I am sort of interested in what goes on these places.

The girls start the game and the voting was done by how loud the applause was. It was only the second girl on stage when our clapping was shouted down by a bunch of guys at the back wall. “Boooo! Get her off! She's ugly! Noooo! This is wrong!” This continued for every girl that came after.

I couldn't make out just who they were as they all stood in the dark and my gay friend leans over to say, “Oh, they're gay, they think this is disgusting...they HATE hetero night on these Tuesdays. They want to see wet Hane's whitey-tighty night instead.”

After that, I saw a legless midget (pardon me Lord!) wheel himself in on a...skateboard. I tried not to look longer than one second but I had too! I have never seen this in my life! He rolls up onto the bar and the bartender, leans over the bar and reaching as low as he can, hands the guy a Lowenbrau. “Here you go Scott...what's up with you lately?”

I guess Scott was a regular as evidence by his social butterflying around the bar speaking to every other regular there.


One of my brother's friends had made a killing in the bubble of the late 90s. He created a mail order business on the lines of Office Max before Office Max had the brains to open their own online store. He had come back to visit RI and by chance, I was invited along to go with them to Foxy Lady with the promise we did not have to bring any money whatsoever, he would pay for everything.

We get to the Foxy Lady and to my surprise, he buys entrance to the downstairs where all the girls are butt naked. It was $25 a pop to do this and there were about seven of us. We make it downstairs and as we go into that part of the club, we stop and survey the place a bit.

A few seconds later, an older women, elegantly dressed, the House Madame, comes up to us then stops. She looks at each of us, sizing us up and instinctively goes to our Dot.Com friend and asks, “What are your friends drinking?”

How the hell she spotted the guy with the cash I do not know. Perhaps after years of managing the front of these kinds of clubs she learned to smell it? “This is their leader, their head honcho..and the guy with the wallet!”

We were all in our late 30's or mid 40s and the nude girls, who just walked around, got on stage at will were no older than 23. All were in perfect form but how else can a 23 year old girl look at that age?

One was standing in front of me, with her back towards me and I just was stunned. I just stared and stared. “God...she's so f'ing HOT!” I thought. It was then I hear this much older guy sitting at a table by himself say, “It's killing you...ain't it?” I turn to look and he continues, “It's like you're a hungry dog and she's waving raw T bone steak in your face, but since you were raised right, you know you can't touch!”

It slowly dawns on me I know who this is.

Mr. Antonelli? I ask.

I go on, “Mr. taught Early Medieval English at RIC...didn't you?”

His head snaps immediately the other way around as if I wasn't there.


I then sit down with and start yapping how I took that very same class he taught. He's becoming visibly uneasy with me there and avoids eye contact but I press on because this is a bit of fun.

Your wife still working in the bursar's office at RIC still?” I ask.

What finally got him to get up and “I have to go the bathroom real quick” was when I asked about his two daughters. During that class, he would regale us with stories about raising a 12 and 14 year old, who were drama sisters who melted down every two days. Odd how he never came back to his table.

I go back and tell guy the story. He goofs on it an says, “Ah, Rhode Island doesn't change, everyone knows everyone else! Hell, look around, this place is FULL of married guys who lied to their wives where they are tonight. Hell, “I'M married and I told the wife I was taking you guys to Atwells Ave tonight..and that was all the info I gave her!!”

When we left, one of's buddies was a practicing attorney in RI. We are all silly drunk but not him. He was the designated driver. As we made too much commotion getting in the car, it got the attention of a Providence cop in his cruiser parked close by. Mr. Attorney whips out his RI Bar ID card and says, “Don't even think about it! I belong to the RI Bar which makes me an 'officer of the court.' I am not impaired and if you pull me over, I'll have you before a judge explaining your lack of probable cause!” We were never followed.

That was a fun night and it made me wish I had a lawyer in my car every time we went out to go partying. 




Montreal 1987. Our little group from college had done the opposite of what most others do on Spring Break, we headed to the Great White North to spend an extended weekend in freezing ass cold Montreal. One of the people to go with us was a guy who had just finished up his 4 year college run and was headed to Seminary school to become a fully ordained priest in the Catholic church. Also with us was this slut, Debbie. Let the fun begin!

We were all piled into one of th hotel rooms and sharing a few cases of Molson beer when the girls suggested a game of Truth or Dare. Of course it started out innocently enough, easy truths and easy dares but because it was holiday time and we were drunk and horny as hell at 22, things degraded.

One of the girls spied me, one of Debbie's friends and asks me “Truth or Dare?” I figure truth had to easier but then she let this fly...

Tell us all the first time you jerked off?”

OK, so I'm cornered. Perhaps it would've been smarter to ask for the “dare?” No, because then she'd dare me to whip it out I suppose.

So, being drunk, I tell them.

Well, I was in the shower, a young teen and I had heard all about jerking off. I had tried it years prior but became bored real fast..nothing happened. But this time time as I was working on it and not even a minute has passed, I found myself shockingly standing ramrod straight, every muscle in my body tense up and this amazing feeling know..down there.”

The Debbie contingent of our group started busting out laughing. I laugh along. Hell, why not. We were all letting everything hang loose on that trip to to Montreal.

Since I was the last one asked a Truth or Dare, I got to pick on someone to try it. But the rules were that I could not pick the one who had asked me to prevent revenge. And I would've too.

Sooo..I spy Debbie and the Soon to Be Priest lying against the head board of the bed, just chilling and drinking, well she was.

I say to Debbie...”Truth or Dare?”

She says “Dare,”

But what I wanted her to do could not be broadcast as Soon to Be Priest would have run out of the room

So I whisper to Debby, “Reach into his pants and grab his dick!”

Everyone but the Priest was whispered the “dare” and he soon realized that something was about to happen to him.

I'll give Debbie this, she thought of a more private way to attempt this. She yanked up the quilt on the bed an covered her and near-Preist to their chests with it. I then see some movement under the quilt and a second or later, the eyes of the guy popped.

We all laughed, even our near-preist friend.  Did she grab it because none of us saw really, under the cover and all?  But, the guy's face was beet red for a good twenty minutes afterwards.

Perhaps later he found a French Catholic church later to confess his vile sins too? If so, it's best the Quebec priest probably had no understanding of English

Another story for later was where M. and I were crawling around a high rise demolition site, drunk on a Sunday 10 AM morning, translating French warning signs that said “Avertissement! Dyna-mite -ta- zeh! We figured out the second word on those warning signs easy enough. No matter we went crawling through it anyways. 


Great Place If You're 22