Saturday, November 30, 2019

It's High Time...

(Disclaimer, and it's a damn shame I have to say it but there are many who are too duh duh to get it. I can write pretty dryly and the less clever can't see that. I'm being tongue in cheek here! I also claim my First Amendment rights)

Transgenders, gay, lesbian, transsexuals and anyone that identifies as a giraffe are all accepted, at least in a court of law they will be. It's fairly amazing achievement considering about 50 years ago you could be arrested for being any of the above. The State of New York used to bust your door in if they had a court order accusing you of being a homosexual. Being dragged out into the open like that could ruin your career and life.

How things have changed.

But...but...still even today, if you're an older male and you look two and half seconds a bit too long at a college're a LECH! A DIRTY OLD MAN! A DEGENERATE! A DEVIANT! For SHAME! Don't you have ANY decency?!

(By the way, I've seen older women look at college girls too, not out of any lesbian attraction, but out of pure JEALOUSY)

So when do Dirty Ol' Men achieve acceptance like everyone else has? We're tired of being oppressed! Damn! Cougars, the female versions of us, are accepted! They're cheered on! We dirty old men want Federal protection! We want our RIGHTS! It shouldn't be just for old, millionaire ex rock stars who marry 40 years younger!

You know who has the hardest times with this and most won't admit it but you can read their faces when it happens...and it does happen? Married guys with older daughters who leer that 2.5 seconds longer than they should at their daughter's female friends. I once called out a friend who eyeballed his 20 year old daughter's friend and he became wholly flustered and spouted a line of denials when I mentioned it to him. A guy looking at pretty woman has the same look as a wolf has looking at elk. Want, desire and drooling hunger. I know the look! Well, Ha! Too late! I busted him doing it! He had the look as if he was staring at an elk with a lame leg that couldn't run away. And if you're a Dad and your 20 Something daughter brings friends over, don't deny it, I've seen it too many times. All it takes is ONE glance!

When I was younger, and I mean “40” younger than the “pushing retirement age” I am now, I was sitting in my favorite Celtic Pub bar, when a 20 Something guy next to me opens up and asks a question of me.

Why do guys your age look at younger women? I see it all the time.”

I answer him:

Easy...they're pretty.” I could tell by the look on his face he didn't get it so I elaborated further.

(Before I go apology to women in general who are my age. I, too, am looking worn, tired and threadbare. Very, very few college girls will want a future with me unless I am a millionaire and look like I will die soon, leaving it all to them)

I tell this Kid this:

When you go into Stop and Shop and you go to the vegetable aisle, stand in front of the loose green peppers...which ones do you pick out? Which ones you choose?”

The Kid is quiet, as he doesn't know where I'm taking this so I answer it for him.

You choose, the cutest, prettiest, tightest, smoothest and YOUNGEST pepper out of the bunch! You don't go for the soft, wrinkly or blemished peppers do you?”

No” the kid answers.

And that's why we older guys go for younger women, we see 'health.' You'll understand this as you get older.” I tell him. It's true. 23 year old guys cannot see what a 23 year old woman really looks like, you have to be older to see it.


At an old job I had, there was a guy we sort of named “John the Floor Guy” as that was his job. He was retired, very old but a nice guy who took care of the floors in the facility. He would routinely remark to me about the girls working there as many were in their early 20's.

But one day, one of the girls really tortured him., using her 21 year old charms on him.

John tells me one morning that one of the girls, a small Italian one, called him into an empty room and yanked down her pants in front of him.

You like this John? She says. “You like my thong? Hmmmmm?” As she curled her body this way and that.

Apparently John's riveting his eyes on the girls there didn't go unnoticed by the women and one decided to really let him have it.

Ron! She really did it about 20 mins ago! That little bitch was teasing the shit out of me! But Damn! What a body! God! I wish I was her age!”

John” I tell him, “if you were 21 she'd NEVER do that to you, unless she was a stripper...she's just toying with you because she knows you can't do anything about it here or're old and married. She knew she was safe!”

It's wrong!” he says. “You can't blue ball a 67 year old guy! It's plain WRONG! Girls never understand just how that feels to us!”

I told him I agreed with him. That really was a low blow but at the same time, he enjoyed it as well.

So this doesn't turn into a lecher's lament, I'll quote John Keats and make noble this appreciation of beauty...

When old age shall this generation waste,

Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe

Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st,

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

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