Thursday, July 7, 2011

Narcissim and Christ on the Cross (sort of...)

I love taking psychological tests. I love reading about myself. Why not? In today’s age the entire country is about narcissism and it’s high time I jumped on board. Sing it with me, loud and proud…”ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!”

The pop tests you can find on the internet don’t really measure anything. The better ones have reliability and validity tests done on them to make sure they actually work. Those particular tests actually do measure what’s inside of you.

One personality quirk about me is that I can throw myself into helping other people. Well, I’m not surprised by that since I started my career out of college in the social work world. But as you age, you learn why you are the way you are. And personalities beyond the age of 20 are pretty much set in concrete.

I had a conversation with a co-worker about this. I told her there are two types of people in the world. The nurses and the nursed.

There are those of us, who w/o thinking, help. It’s a knee jerk reaction. We help anyone who’s down. But, the problem with that is…are those who fail to walk upright on their own. Those people, who are quite capable of leading their own lives, give them over to someone else to lead. WE carry them. We nurse them. And like any fool, we learn too late when to drop their sorry asses into the dirt and realize that they’ll never learn to stand on their own. They were in no need of any “nursing” at all. They never wanted to lead their own lives.

We “nurses” need a triage system where we can correctly diagnose the wounded. We can list them as: Truly injured, Slightly injured, Needing a shoulder to cry on, needing someone to talk to. And…Faking it so bad because they just want out of working/being responsible/dishonest/unreliable… get the picture.

I”ve become better at this…and some I know have as well too.

I probably will never lose this aspect of my personality…and I don’t want to. It’s what makes me who I am to the very core. Though it’s tempered with some practical realties that there are those who will never learn to “grow up.” I will spend my precious efforts on those who need it.

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