Friday, January 3, 2014

But It Makes Me Feel So Damned ALIVE!

It's funny how other people can see aspects of your personality you can't. Or rather, alert you to something that you do know about yourself but have sequestered to the attic and forgotten. It's a part of me that I have written about before when it came to the Charlie Horse's I get and how I responded to people trying to help. I was alerted to this yesterday and I'll get around to that story in time.

But first, here's something interesting that I learned from some younger ones who gave me the nickname, Ronimal (Ron-Animal...get it?). When I heard it, I told them that when I was in high school, I had the nickname “Animal.” I told them how odd it was they should come up with a moniker that was very similar to the one I had been given when I was 16. The original nickname came from those in my gym class when we were playing various games. They never did explain why I had that name but from what I could gather, my adrenalin would shoot up and my eyes looked a bit wild when we competed in a game I enjoyed. Perhaps I twisted, leaped and struggled like a wet cat when contact sports was involved too. I'm not entirely sure, but the look in my eyes was there, that I did know. I liked some of those games....really liked them to show it on my face. If the game had NO rules and it was “Catch as catch can,” I loved it.

Now that I am remembering this, it was even earlier in my life. My Dad would go out of his way to tell me to “calm down” when I got wicked excited about some game or whatever it was I was doing that ramped me up. Gee Dad, toss convention and let loose!

Adrenaline...that's the key.

Anyway, here's another time I was called an animal and not for a very good reason. As boys, we weren't the best behaved kids. Also toss into that, the mistaken accusations that you sometimes you get slammed with due to your past behavior.

Gary McClintock, whose name I can use since he's long since gone now, threw a “paint bomb” at the next door neighbor's house and sped away. The funny thing, he used some of the paint to befoul our house too in his run. But he nailed the house next door better than ours. Gerdy, who came out, began shouting at my house, to my Mother who was standing in by the kitchen door, that I had done this. That was a mistake as I had been in the house all afternoon. My mother's protests didn't dissuade Gerdy at all. Then I heard this, “You keep that ANIMAL away from my house! He should be locked in a cage!!”

No joke. She said it. Gee...what had she observed about me as a kid at other times?

Now to yesterday. I mistakenly whacked the hell out of my thumb with a knife. Those french knives can be razor blades mind you. I may have used one 100,000 times in my past but you can't always escape the occasional cut, or the every ten year Charlie Manson-type slice. I had nailed myself fairly well and was trying to stop the blood which didn't want to stop due to the way the skin was sliced.

A friend, who gathered up a First Aid box, was helping me staunch the bleeding. He used hydrogen peroxide which is known not to sting but I suppose the slash was so deep and the fact it was nice and cold woke up those exposed nerves. After the second dousing of the H2O2 and with my thumb burning in pain, I kept my eyes glued to that bottle. I knew, if that came at me a third time, I was going to push it out of the way. My adrenaline was UP and I felt something appear a bit...Animal was coming up. It was the Fight for Flight thingy animals are known for. I wasn't thinking, I wasn't being rational...all I wanted was to get away from the pain. Rationally tell me certain procedures are for my “own good” and half of me will understand and accept, the other half of my brain is becoming the Hulk and doesn't hear logic at all.


I have to admit that the help I was getting was out of care and concern. The motivation is laudable. It was not purposed torture. I wrote before one time, while I was in the backyard once with both thighs all balled up due to a Charlie Horse, that I switched into this persona. I had a friend try to help me deal with the pain. I shoved them away with a “NO! GO AWAY!” I might have was like a wounded animal.

I can't tell you where this comes from. I have no idea. I have said that if I’m ever in a car accident, I know the firemen will have to shoot me with a dart gun like they shoot a cougar that's wandered into a mall in Portland, OR.

Animal, Ronimal, being nicknamed one, having people see wild eyed enjoyment in me from “In your face competition.” These observations are from people who have never met one another and over the decades. Do you think there's a bit of truth to it? You bet there is. I've been reminded of it again.

Ah well, it's part of who I am. I'll be a Ronimal and as part human and part animal,  I'll have to learn to accept any veterinarian’s care when needed. You'd think I'd be more into adrenalin rushes, more risk that to me is completely exciting. Guess the smarter part of my brain has kept me from bunji jumps, base jumping and Russian roulette. I”ve told you the story before how I was restricted from climbing Mount Hood, all 11,000 feet of it for my own good.

I admit this, I can get bored real quick with the usual. I like the PCP-Angle Dust like highs I get from doing something a bit risky.

Animal, Ronimal and whatever hairy wild beast I can be compared too = Adrenaline Addict?
Wow, This was enlightening!  I just Googled adrenaline addict and I hit this link.
γνῶθι σεαυτόν...or Know Thyself...not a bad thing to do!

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