Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Spring Can Arrive Any Day Now, Please.

One of winter's little annoyances are potholes. Usually they're not a big deal on side streets when you're driving less than 30mph. They're more fun if you smack them at 70mph though.

I was on 95 North, nearing the Providence line when I saw it. Up ahead, fast approaching was a nice smallish but sharp edged pothole. I was moving too fast to respond to it and I heard this great WHACK! It was the type of whack where it shoots through the frame of the car and into your body as well. I let off on the accelerator, wondering just when my right front tire would start to unravel itself. Luckily for me it didn't.

Don't you love that flow of adrenalin that you get after a near miss? I had that after I passed that hole and jolt. Once my heart calms down, I mutter to myself at the lousy condition the road is in. Always blame these things on the other guy, it helps your own self esteem!

Later on that day, I'm up in Mansfield, MA. I was at another Irish pub called, ready for the odd name? Flynn's. Anyways, I'm outside and wonder to myself, “I wonder how that tire did fare?” I go to look and on the sidewall is this great, big fat lump.

“Oh shit...I drove on the highway up here with THAT?”

I let some air out of the tire, no...alot of air to decrease the pressure on that fat huge aneurysm that my tire now has. The drive home was fun, with my expecting it to finally burst and lurch my car to the left into god knows what. I made it.

So, thanks to New England winters I bought another tire.

I may be a skinflint. I can ignore car problems that aren't critical, but I'm not so cheap to endanger my life!

Add these two things

And you get this. 

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