Monday, February 23, 2015

Showing My Age and the Pawsox Move

The other day I was talking to an 18 year old about life, careers in particular. I had mentioned to him that most of the people I know are not in the vocations they trained for while in school.

To his surprise he asks: “You know some guys that have two...three degrees and they're not doing it anymore?”

“Sure.” I answered quite casually and as if it's nothing of any major importance.

The look on the kid's face was one of disbelief. Also, you could see a hint of disgust come across it as well. The thought he was thinking was written on his face: “Why FAIL in life so poorly?” I then knew he didn't “know” anything yet.

“I guess, at your age, you hope that it's school-college-first job-better second job-then a major career? Add to that a few girlfriends, then settling down to that ONE girl who you'll marry and have kids with? A house in Rehoboth in that plan too?” I ask.

“Well, maybe not in that order...” he says.

“Well, I'm not going to dissuade you from that, it's not my right. In fact, go for it. But don't be surprised if your plan goes awry.”

“I won't let it.” he tells me.

The hubris was a bit of a shock to me but I realized too, he's an 18 year old male. He can handle anything. I should've had a shaman's look, perhaps an oxen robe as well draped on me as well when I answered him back with:

“You won't let it? You will let WILL.”

So I explain it to him.

What he hasn't experience yet, and hopefully he won't, are changes in the economy, political changes in the national gov't that wipes out whole career paths, illness, illness of others, even perhaps a change in himself where he wants to do something different. What about what others in his life that may force a change? What if he becomes a faithful follower to alcoholism?

“Look, it's really not all that bad to change direction” I tell him. “There might be times in your life when the world, outside pressures, will demand you change course...that doesn't mean you LOSE everything, in no way in hell does it mean that. You can always find satisfaction in different and numerous ways. The trick is to know there are always options.”

Again, his face gave it away. I could see he was trying to process all this borax I was giving him. I might have as well spoke in Cantonese. Some of it he managed to “get” but the idea that you don't always have COMMAND of your life was unthinkable to him.

“I hope it all turns out for you. For some people it does.” I finally say.


I hear the Lucchino Group has bought out the Pawsox and intends to ship them somewhere, Providence evidently on the land opened up when they moved I-95. I live not too far from McCoy, to the northeast of the stadium and what I'll miss is that light glow and the sounds from it on summer nights. If the air is still enough I could sit on my front steps and hear the crack of the bat and listen along to the announcers. Those drifting sounds have been a part of my entire life here. Add to that the silly low prices they charged vs going to Fenway to be bent over and raped.

Lucchino complains the area isn't conducive to turning it into something akin to the Gillette stadium in Foxboro, with all the attendant stores and restaurants that attach to the anchor, the stadium itself. Plus there's little parking around McCoy, well there isn't if you don't know the area. That much is true. The area cannot be designed as a Mall of America unless you raze dozens of multi-family residences and move some streets around. Gentrifying that neighborhood will run into a huge fight as the area is far entrenched with vested Hispanic businesses. I won't mention the historical associations that'll start using Federal laws to protect the very many 150+ year old buildings there.

If it all goes to plan, the Pawsox lease will run out by 2017. I have no idea on what they could put there next? Could they woo another minor league team here? Turn it into a mini Comcast Center? The Pawtucket Arts Coucil has already, within hours of the Lucchino announcement, have expressed an interest in it. But they too haven't figured out for what exactly. Hopefully it won't sit there and rot and become another haven for teen keg parties.

I'm no big sports fan but I'll miss the summertime sounds like:

“Going back...going the track, at the wall... SEEYA! IT'S GONE!"

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