Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Moon So Strong It's Casting Shadows.

I'm not very sure, but I swear I've been ill with a strange malady. I feel I have half of the symptoms of your regular flu. Malaise, tiredness and at times this feeling my brain is half “on” with a diffuse headache that I can sort of localize but then slips scrutiny. Thank God, I don't have the snot, coughing and other slimy aspects of the flu. Who knows what the hell it is.

I suppose this has been going on for about a week and flares up at different times during the day. The malaise will dawn on me and for a good several hours, I drag.

Last night I came home from work, took care of the fur kid and flipped on my various electronics, the stereo and computer and settled in for a night of reading. As I was doing this, I could barely keep my eyes open. I then admitted to myself I should just give up and go to bed, at 8:45PM. I rarely go to bed this early. It was a quick surrender to this fatigue.

I had at fitful sleep, waking up several times during the night till I finally roused myself at 4AM. I can't lie in bed fully awake for more than twenty minutes hoping I can go back to sleep, so I might as well get up. I get up, get the dog outside for his morning sniff, piss and what not when I notice something oddly beautiful. The moonlight.

My backyard, the neighborhood and entire sky was glowingly alight with this ghostly blue cast. To add to this, the temperatures were fairy warm for 4am in early February with a light wind. Also, at this hour in the morning, there is little sound to be heard; even the characteristic drone of the city is fairly tempered at this hour.

Most mornings when I'm out letting the dog do his business, I have a disposition of “will you hurry up already?” In winter, waiting for the dog to finish up can make me peevish, as it's damned freezing out most mornings here. But, this time, I walked around the yard, front and back and then up and down the street just to witness this pleasing, moon created phosphorescence.

I felt good then.

I don't always get these moments, and am surprised when I do, but it was worth it to finally crawl out of bed this morning.

And perhaps this ailment is coming to an end soon.

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