Monday, February 13, 2012

Shocking Pastels!

Remember this ad campaign? I do. Never mind the cigarettes, just look at how he's dressed. I knew guys who dressed like that when we hit up the clubs in Providence in our 20's.

If you were going to JR's Fastlane (oooh! Fastlane!) or Sh-Booms, Baby Head or say the Lupo's, you MUST have the proper attire to catch the girl's eyes in 1985.

We knew one guy, who we nicknamed, “Johnny Hardhat.” He won that name by being an awful braggart about anything related to plumbing, electrical, framing, concrete, get the point. He was another “Why, I know it all...I could build you a house ontop of Mt Washington if I so felt it!”

Johnny Hardhat had the audacity, or more likely, a total lack of taste, to show up at some URI hangout on Matunuck beach wearing pretty much what Don Johnson wore on TV. He got the look down right though. White linen jack, linen pants and this screaming pink flamingo Izod golf shirt. Oh, and I forgot...the WHITE shoes for god's sake!

Ok, I will admit here. This is about as far as I went aping that style. I rarely wore socks with my topsiders when I wore them. I never owned white linen pants nor a Banana Republic sports jacket. But, coming from a DeLasallian high school, I learned one NEVER wears socks with topsiders. How gauche!

I still don't wear socks with topsiders. Some habits die hard.

Anyways, some of us guys were dressed like Havana Bob back then. I guess it's not that bad really, considering the Cranston High Rise hair we saw on some of the girls from back then.

“Hi! Where ya from?” “I'm from Craaaaan-stin!” say would say, snapping her gum.

Eye-talian guidettes. There was something cute about them under all that hair and eye make up from then.

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