Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wherever You Go...

Interesting morning. I was minding my own business, peddling along on my bike on Armistice blvd when I see a car slam on it's brakes for no apparent explanation, then get rear-ended by a utility van. This occurs about twenty feet from me. I'll tell you, the sound of metal crunching makes my gut sink.

I peddle out to the van and find that those guys are fine and were dialing 911 already. They can't believe why the woman up front jacked up on them when there was no reason to stop. I then peddle over to women and ask them, “Are you guys ok?” The driver just stares at me. She was just stunned about what happened. At that moment is when I met another of humanity's heels.

I was half out into the street with my bike when some guy comes buy in his SUV tooting the horn to get out of his way. I yell at the guy, “Hey, there's just been an accident!” He responds, “You're blocking the street!” I tell him “Give me a minute to find out if these girls are OK.”

He then says “What” to me in a tough guy voice.

Oh, OK, I get it. I then say in a sarcastic voice. “”

How about I get out and bash your face in? Huh? What do you think of that!” says the lummox.

Yeah? Do it! Then you can explain to the cops behind us why you're punching me out!”

Luckily for me, 911 had a great response time. There was a cop car pulling up behind us that moment when Tough Guy was probably going to get out of his SUV. The cop car must have been two blocks away when he got the call.

The moron who was threatening me hits his accelerator and takes off down the street.

Jesus H. Christ. How many of these LOSERS do I have to run into in my life? There happens to be far too many of them. I can't explain why, but I've been running into at least three a week. I get to meet people who are thisssss close to going Postal due to their shitty lives.

The girls were fine, no ambulance needed.  I came to find out the woman driver had just lost her husband a week earlier. Perhaps she was was too stunned still to pay attention to anything.  The cop looked like he was a twenty-four year surfer dude from the beaches south of LA. Sun blond hair and a very obvious worked on tan.

I have better luck with this world riding on forest trails. At least the swans don't get riled up when I ride by. Or, does my bike need an attachment to keep an ax handle ready for the next jerk I run into? Ah, I prefer the woods...people are getting crazier by the day I think.

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