Saturday, September 22, 2012

T&A and $

I've said before I find finance the best ESPN around. My sports pages include financial blogs and like most sports pages and channels, they sell 'em with SEX.

You used to get grizzled, old men on the field trying to snag an interview or opine about the team's chance. Now you have barely 22 year old girls with perfect skin down on the field doing the interviews.  She's a slight more prettier than a 55 year old ex coach from Notre Dame.

There's little difference in the world of finance either. You can watch CNBC's Margaret Brennan tell you of a 600 point drop in the DOW and you won't care as you look into her eyes.

Huh? What did she say? Did she say Exxon just collapsed?” is all your reaction will be.

The financial blogs are no better really. Though, the don't put pretty girls on them to “sell” as the blogs are private. But these writers, as guys will do, will toss up a picture of some girl they find attractive and others will chime in about the choice.

The conversation can go from discussing the latest T-Bill auction to a longer discussion about the color of hair on a girl.

Yes! Auburn hair is the best!”

Are you nuts? Blondes! Blondes are the prettiest!”

Aahh, you're wrong! Blondes are a dime a dozen!”

This can go on for some time as Bernanke is in the background droning on about bond rates.

One blog I read, Jesse's Cafe Americain is mostly about gold prices (which I could care less about) and a few other well written articles on economics. His blog is populated with everything French. The other day I'm reading it and he posts this long forgotten 60's chanson singing mournful French love songs. The girl fell on the Earth pretty back in 1963 and you know why he posted it...he's entranced by her. She has nothing to do with the CAC-40 trading floor in Paris. She does, however, have everything to do with being pretty. Once the flutter around her is done, the talk returns to dry financial subjects.

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