Monday, July 29, 2013

Wave Hi!

Did you know, the Hubble Space Telescope was just an American spy satellite that's pointed to the stars, instead of down onto the Earth?

Living in a neighborhood half full of retirees is a mixed bag. Granted, this neighborhood can be quiet as a monastery without the younger families whooping it up to 3 AM. The problem arises because retirees are so bored, anything that moves in the neighborhood becomes their TV to watch.

Anything includes the mail man, the occasional car down our long forgotten street, a cat or me. When I step outside, I have to remind myself I'm being spied upon by 80 year old neighbors who have little to do now. That's OK really, because it's not like I'm standing on the sidewalk, picking my nose a good three inches in, for all to see. In fact, watching me unload the groceries from my trunk has got to be a mundane as I think it is.

As a neighbor, I guess I ain't too bad. The only noise you may hear coming from this house is music and it's not blasted at 100 decibels. I didn't throw parties due to a seemingly rabies-infected German Shepherd who would broach NO other person in this house but me. And I don't sell drugs so there's no constant traffic at my home, for little five minute visits all day long. Oh, and I don't have young kids screeching all day long either. The best thing about having me as a neighbor? I won't bother you at all if you don't bother me. What more could you want? You like raping sheep in your backyard? I'll ignore it as long as you don't invite me nor do it in my yard.

But, the one thing crime you may easily convict me of is keeping the grass cut. I don't care a whit about lawns and never did put the effort into cultivating a putting green in my front yard. I harbor such an independent streak on certain things that no amount of peer pressure is going to bend me. In fact, It will make me even more determined to piss you off, allowing my first noble reason to defy everyone degrade into simple peevishness. Good luck in trying compel me to keep a Scotts type lawn. It isn't going to work.

So, today I'm outside, finally cleaning that pig sty I call my car. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, mostly dust, pollen and loose change spread out inside. Even so, I did a bang up job, restoring this car back to a nicer condition. The problem, of course, I was being watched.

Then I hear a voice...coming from god knows where. A thin whispy voice the elderly have. “Ronnie! Ronnie!” I turn to search for the source and I see my neighbor across the street, hobbling over a little bit to make herself clearer.

“Could you mow that strip in front of you sidewalk...when you mow the rest of the yard?”

Being as polite as ever (to my detriment, I swear to God at times it is!) I answer her “Of course I will" and quickly dart my head back down to my work, cutting that conversation off quick.

Just right after that, and under my breath I said this while cleaning the stereo in my car, “Fuck you, Anna...for that, I'm not mowing anything for another week!”

I might just do that too. I can add to the elderly neighborhood gossip circuit some great material they can chew upon.


Who knows? If I make it to that age, perhaps I'll be the nosiest, privacy-invading fussbudget you'd ever meet because I'll be bored out of my mind?

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