Monday, July 29, 2013

You're Supposed to be a Role Model, Not a Menace!

There's a family near me who I see occasionally out in their yard. Dad, Mom and three girls, five, eight and twelve. It's a busy, soccer Mom, activities-up-the-ass type of family where every kid is shuttled around to this sports event or that one. Since summer has returned, I see them more.

I watched while Dad and his little eight year old daughter played some basketball. Dad, is about 38, white as a ghost and a bit doughy. He however moves fast enough to play this game The girl looks like any other girl, small, skinny and yappy.

The game goes to sudden death. The girls shoots and misses. Dad then shoots, but he misses. She tries again and misses again. Dad, finally sinks it on his try. Here's what happened next that probably had my mouth agape a bit.

Dad, after sinking the shot, spins around to face his little girl and does a victorious fist pump while yelling out, “YESSSSS!”

The girl, who had her back to me, stood motionless. I swear I could hear the few sinews of self esteem in her being sprained and torn.

I'm surprised Dad didn't make an “L” with his fingers on his forehead while he ground the girl's defeat in a bit deeper. Dad, by the way, is an insurance salesman who pitches very large health plans to companies. I'm sure his life consists of nothing but competition and the only thing that matters is to win and get that fat sales commission.

Yet, how proud can you are I be at defeating an eight year old girl? It's like beating a Girl Scout.

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