Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's Here.

Autumn is coming, in fits and starts, cleft by some persistent and heavy-handed hot days from August. August, loud and swaggering, chisels in on some September days, just to remind you of who he is. But bullies like August can't last forever.

I awoke too early, not by intention though. I guess I had enough sleep. That predawn sky I haven't seen in a while and that silverish blue was just starting on the horizon. I found it to be quite bright even if it was just a sliver. I'm up so I need a clean shirt and shorts. I had some on the dog run line outside where I drape clothing to dry. Time to venture out.

In that early morning darkness, you can get away with a lot. My hair's a total rat's nest, a spindly wicker basket jutting hay and straw. I'm dressed in my bachelor’s shorts, a pair of swim trunks that are chlorine burned, torn and out of fashion. Who's going to see at this hour? No one. Even if Mr Happy decides to fall out of the front, there will be no witnesses.

I discovered that autumn has arrived by the grass being covered in 49 degree dew. Of course I'm barefoot and as soon as I stepped out onto that grass my mind was astonished with a “HELLO!” There's nothing like unsuspected chilliness break open the day for you. At first, my pride had me walking in it, standing in it, tolerating it while I pulled the shirt from the cable. I then caved in and hop scotched my way back to the house via the slate flagstones I have there. At least they weren't covered in ice water.

In time I'll learn to tolerate the cold ground and go out in January barefoot, for a quick run to my car to retrieve my ever precious Coca Cola. But I ain't there yet.

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