Monday, May 5, 2014

OK, So I Didn't Go to CalTech

Since I still have a geek streak in me, I've been watching DeGrasse Tyson's remake of Sagan's Cosmos on Sunday nights. It's been years since I've read anything regarding science and the stuff that they've tripped across makes science fiction look pedestrian. I sat mesmerized a bit when he detailed how the Permian extinction was probably caused by a massive volcano arch in present day Russia that really fucked up everything on Earth.

So, I managed to find Tyson's podcast program and I listen to the various subjects there. It's not too technical as he manages to explain and make approachable the strange stuff their discovering. He's not always on the program and as I was listening to it, a woman named Amy Maizer was the DJ for the hour.

Here's Amy.

And her resume....

CalTech? You know how hard it is to get into CalTech? You need recommendations from Einstein's ghost himself. 

Ok, I'm jealous. Here's a person who is scary smart, hot looking and went far in life. And she works at cool is that?

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