Saturday, August 13, 2016


Hubris, in your twenties I guess is somewhat normal. You're still just barely out of your teens and you still feel you can take on the world. Ok. Fine. That's good in a one way. No one's ever pissed all over a positive attitude that can help propel you along to your goals. But add to that the “nothing can harm me because I haven't been through the wringer yet,” which is a protective bubble mentality based on having a decent life up to now, is taking it too far. Well, they don't do it's a element of being young still.

If all your life the weather's been fine, why shouldn't it continue to do so?

You both and I know adults, day to day schlepping, older adults who are battle worn, see the world differently. But I've witnessed the youth, without them meaning to, offhandedly insult the shit out of these Veterans of Life. I call the youth's backhanded slap, a “Oh, That Won't Happen To Me” approach of Life. I and other my age have felt those broad statements like pellets from an ever spreading shotgun blast. It wasn't aimed at us but wow, does it sting when it hits. “Whoa kid, you don't know where you speak of yet! Stop firing!”

At Quinn's the other day, I was discussing the many divorces I've seen happen around me with another guy and we sort of just sat there in awe at the wasteland that's left of former families. I suppose it's the same astonishment you'd see looking at town ripped up by a tornado for the first time.

“Holy Shit! I didn't know how bad it could get!”

As we talk of other of Life's little storms, usually ones we two never experienced but respect because we've seen it happen to others close to us, come up. Alcoholism, fucked-up kids who turned about bad and still live at home at 29, others with health issues they created themselves but seem powerless to change and what not. As we were going over this, a “kid” seated next to us and I mean kid as a guy in his mid 20's, has to get into the conversation...

“That can't happen to me...I've heard of that stuff too...I'll probably steer clear of all of that.”

I and the guy next to me look at the kid with sluggish amazement. You could read our faces saying: “ Whaaat?”

“You'll steer clear of it all? I ask him.

“Yeah, sure...if you just don't do the stupid things your parents, older people do, you'll escape that fate.”

I talk on as this is one hell of a belief system I'm hearing. At first I thought this kid was one smug son a bitch but quickly realized it wasn't from that tact at all. It was just someone who hasn't met Life yet.

“You mean that IF you make the right decisions, in a vacuum..without other of Life's can't help but to achieve nirvana?”

“What do you mean by variables?” he asks.

“I mean stuff in your life you can't control.”

He counters with, “But I pretty much control everything in my life.”

Do you?” I say like a smart alec.


The “I Won't Make the Same Mistakes as My Parents/Elders Made” mentality is something to see. Hell, I was of the same mind set when I was 25. I suppose each generation had to go through it. After being knocked around a few hundred dozen finally 'get it.'

“I won't make the same mistakes...”

Just you wait! Ah HA HA HA HA! Is what I have to say. It's part of being human and each generation usually never listens to it's elders...and repeats it all again.

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