Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Esalen Institute, Fun Read If You Look It Up

I have another “first.” I dreamt of Gestalt group therapy sessions in down around the Narragansett beaches. It wasn't a nightmare, just one of those dreams that morph from one thing to another. But Gestalt Therapy? Add to that, the song, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when things are gray...” was playing throughout.

I can't pay attention during the sessions because there's this incredibly pretty auburn haired girl with us. And I'm way too obvious about liking her too. It was one of those moments when we guys have look keep looking; and give ourselves away in doing so.

Another woman, a Glenn Close-granola-Big Sur type in her 50's has to bring my attention around to the task at hand, which is engaging everyone else in the group.

Of course, the dream morphs with Glenn and I in some tourist trap shack by the beach. She picks up two pieces of candy, a Swedish Fish and Gummi fish and proceeds to whip some mind-bending Zen on me. It works. I wish I could recall what she said but that's a dream for you, they vanish pretty fast.

We morph again. This time Glenn and the pretty auburn haired girl pull up in a car so we can go out out for the night. I hop into the back seat next to Pretty and we're off. The dream is starting to become much more fun and interesting.

Then I wake up. Son of a bitch!

All of the dream had vanished except, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...” playing in my head still.

When you think about dreams, you can tell where they came from. In my case, I did study Gestalt therapy at one time. Barry Stevens? She was Fritz Perls student in Gestalt. She was an Earth Mother who used to travel up and down the West Coast's Interstate 5 dispensing wisdom in the 60's and 70s. The girl? I knew her but forget her name now. Yes, she was auburned hair, pretty and in my Personality class at RIC. We became friends. I was moving things along, as I was ever hopeful, till I found out she was more than married.

Well, perhaps the next dream I'll be speaking to walruses about the space-time continuum. During which I'll be smitten by another unattainable girl.
I still have this book for God's sake...

If you have the time, here's some interesting reading...or not, according to what you give a rat's ass about. Esalen Institute. And a link to the funky chick above, Barry Stevens, Earth Mother.

I sort of wished I had a link to that girl I was half in love with.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!
    You remembered quite a bit of your dream. What a great little journey.
