Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ace in the Hole, Lean on Me, I’m Your Guarantee

Once I was crazy and my ace in the hole
Was that I knew that I was crazy.
So I never lost my self-control.

I just walk in the middle of the road and
I sleep in the middle of the bed.
I stop in the middle of a sentence.

And the voice in the middle of my head said
“Hey, Junior, where you been so long?”
“Don’t you know me
I’m your ace in the hole?”

Paul Simon

So what's your ace in the hole? What's your talent that gets you through the day, through your life? What's up your sleeve that works pretty much all the time?

Up until I was about eight, I had none. Unless incurable cuteness is considered a talent? That I could use but it was restricted to non-parental adults and that was only if they were in a good mood. Try and get out of trouble on cuteness alone after you've purposely sprayed the cat with a garden hose.

Child psychologists stage childhood development along milestones and phases. Erik Erickson's “latency period” is also known as the “5-7” shift. By the time you're 8, you've pretty much know what's right from wrong and you are just starting to understand logic. Even the Catholic church understood this for over a thousand years. You don't give a kid under 8 First Communion...he's not old enough to understand sin yet.

Erickson posited a question that kids face at that age: “Can I Make it in the World of People and Things?”

Can you? If you're reading this, you must be able to...since you've made it this far. But we all have a few personal tricks up our sleeves that work great.

I said I didn't have my Ace in the Hole until I was 8. That's when I finally rocketed off with my brain and learned how to properly use it. Things gelled, fell into place finally. I'm no Einstein but I can be a smarty when in the mood and if I know anything about the problem I face. It's never really failed me. Usually it involves getting out of shitty situations, finding landmines in life. Most of the time at least. It also alerted me to ridiculously profitable situations that I abused silly.

Here's what I know of myself today. I know my learning curve, when acquiring knew ways, looks like this: Sorry for the shitty graphics.


I know myself enough NOT to invest heavily in the beginning where I can lose dreadfully, like learning how to use a band saw the very first time or bet my life savings on a stock I know nothing about. The cost is a bit high if you fail at the start. So I begin very slow with things that aren't going to bite my ass too hard should I fail. As I go along, get confident, I up the ante. Jumping into the deep end of the pool might motivate me to the nth degree, but it does not guarantee I'll learn the skills needed. There's not enough time.

The other Ace in the Hole I like I can thank the deaf for and that's watching body language. Since the deaf can't communicate via voice or hearing, they rely heavily on vision. The deaf watch closely! Body language gives away soo much it's amazing really. If you want a good deal from a car dealer, take a deaf person along with you, they'll spot the lies and manipulation in about 2.3 seconds. They're also great for sizing your personality up in the same amount of time too. I've managed to use this when needed and also use it as a needed weapon too. Think I'm evil for using the Dark Side of it? Ha! ALL of you use your personal skills in not-so-honorable ways. I know. You've used them on me!


You've all seen this and women are lucky because this skill is generally theirs, which is the ability to flirt their way though. Since girls, from day one, are taught interpersonal skills in depth, they whip any male out there usually at this game. There are a few of boys who learn this but examples are rare. They're also the cause why a lot women hate men. These guys use that particular male charm to use, abuse and finally burn out women to all men in general. I can think of a particular lawyer I personally know who had a Genie's ability to charm the panties off women. It was like watching a snake charmer play his flute as the cobra came out of the jar. Though, these very women he captivated hated his guts in about one week after they found out how sly he was. But, these guys are rare and most of us boys still have to be reminded to chew with our mouths closed.

At 18, I was once drawn into a magazine subscription w/o my knowing it till a few hours later. That's how slow I am at times. The salesgirl looked similar to Kristy McNichol, which meant my brains oozed out my ears and within a few minutes, she had my money and I had a subscription to Hod Rod Magazine. I didn't like Hot Rods. I never even went to Seekonk Speedway till I was 19 and that was to see the fireworks.

Her eye contact, the small and subtly done compliments, the brush of her hand on my arm a couple of times and I found myself cutting a check. Like I said, about an hour later I sat there on my front steps, wondering “how the hell she managed that?”

What a deadly combination, to fall on the Earth pretty and with these people skills. You should be outlawed! No fair in beating up on the weak!
How's this for an Ace in the Hole? The "Over The Shoulder Glance."

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